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1st Blog Anniversary!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Almost 5 years ago, I built this blog and started writing poetry again when I was going through something, especially when I lost my job… and a friend. It was a mix of frustration, grief, depression, regret, being lost, etc.

Friday, January 27, 2023

To All the Ones I’ve Swiped Right Before: The Intro

Hello reader, welcome to another blog. Though this blog might not be the usual blog I’ll be writing, but this sure is one for the books. If Taylor Swift writes songs about her exes, bad bloods and what-nots to shake off, then I write about anything in poetry, and of course in this freedom wall of mine, that includes ex-friends and ex-chatmates. Which makes Tay-tay and I have a little thing in common, I guess.  

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow

"Im so unwhole. I don't know where all the pieces of me are, how to fit them together, how to make them stick. Or if I even can."