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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Sip of Coffee

Ever since, I could barely remember when, I’ve always loved coffee. I think I got that from my father. I would always drink coffee to keep me going for the day or to keep me up at night so I could finish my tasks or to just plainly relax. I started drinking coffee it was either from high school or college.

This might sound funny, but back in college, my number one dream once I graduated, was to drink from coffee shops using my own earned money. Some might even think I sound ignorant or simple minded or whatever haha, but it’s something that I’ve always coveted. One of my unwritten bucket lists. Most of my batch mates, even my best friend would think that coffee shops were normal for them. Sure, I also got treated by some friends in coffee shops. But I didn’t have the luxury for that and settled on what was convenient and cheaper: instant coffee. I had to go through on a tight budget every single day, especially when there were times our parents couldn’t give us allowance so my brother and I had to rely on our savings.

when large was born *sob sob*
During my junior year in college, I joined a facilitating organization where I’ve started drinking McDonald’s brewed coffee, which I thought beforehand was expensive. But it was rather cheaper than I’ve assumed and was one of my rewards for my hard work. I remember when we were trainees, there were mornings where we would go to McDonald’s after our training sessions, drinking coffee while talking with our seniors and my co-trainees. Our seniors would tutor us sometimes with our processing skills or tell us about their journey as students. There were times our breakfasts were free and we got to drink warm coffee while talking about our assignments for the day as volunteers and some random stuffs. I particularly loved their pancakes and hot coffee. Until now.

I have a lot of memories in McDonald’s with my friends and seniors. So for those who wonder why I love McDonald’s, this is basically one of the reasons why it’s my go to-place: it all rooted from my youth haha.

There were also times that whenever I passed by Bo’s Coffee, its aroma would waft through the air and I would just breathe and sigh in content which usually made my day. The smell of coffee always made me feel so dreamy.

After I graduated, that dream didn’t really happen as instant as instant coffee. The first job I had, paid us less than 4k every 15 days. So I saved up for what was more necessary, an android phone. Everyone surely knows 78 Kopiko coffee, which also became my go-to coffee as I started graduate school until it became too strong for me.

When I started working at a university, all I thought was I had to save up for grad school. Paper works and schedule adjustments got me all over the place, especially as I was still testing the waters. But when my colleague took the initiative to continue our paper works in the coffee shop, I heard bells ringing in my ears haha. I didn’t show my excitement, but I was really excited. Thoughts came flowing inside my head like what if I didn’t know how to order or what if I got too conscious or what if I took the wrong order or what if it was too crowded blah blah blah. I know, funny right? I actually have this phobia for counters. Just so you know.

I don’t remember what I ordered, but I do remember feeling happy and content that finally, I got to do what I’ve always wanted, to pay for my own coffee, and in a coffee shop on top of that.

From then on, I started exploring some coffee shops with friends and drinking whatever suited my taste. I had my usual preferences, but I realized that sometimes being too adventurous with flavors really slaps you back in reality that not all of them would fit your taste buds. I had series of fail moments in being too adventurous which I’d maybe write on another post.  

The coffee shops that I used to covet myself in, which I only felt contented with breathing in its aromas wafting through the air, had become my haven. From working my ass off until midnight, to rewarding myself from just hanging in there before payday. It’s where my colleagues and I would work while chatting away. it’s where I relaxed my shoulders for a moment and forgot I was an adult. Its where I made memories with friends.

When I was younger I thought, coffee shops are just for rich people. But over the years as I worked and spent on a cup of coffee as my reward, as my company in doing tasks, I realized it’s for everyone. There’s no such thing as a status quo just to get yourself a cup of coffee inside. Coffee shops are a haven for people who just want to enjoy their coffee, or any beverage inside, away from the chaotic mess of reality. Its where you spend time with your family and friends, or even with yourself. It’s where you can work with concentration or connect with a stronger Wi-Fi connection while feeling the rush of caffeine.

I can still remember when I would spend my time in a coffee shop, almost every night with a colleague to finish series of paper works than waste my few hours waiting for a ride home. I would buy coffee to get me going and somehow it reminded me that I had to work hard and not waste my time because I spent money on buying one.

People might think I sound too ignorant, or like “it’s not as if you’re gonna get rich just by drinking that from coffee shops.” It’s actually more than that. My parents raised us, aware of our struggles as a family. We were taught to be content of what we have since we don’t have all the luxury. And I think growing up from a simple family made me thankful that just a sip of coffee is enough to keep me content or reward myself after a whole lot of delayed gratifications.

However, seeing a shared face book post from someone who had an argument with youngsters that felt too entitled with their “spot” in a coffee shop, just because he was sitting on it while relaxing with his coffee, was quite disappointing. To say this in the least, no matter who you are, that doesn’t give you an entitlement to step on others or treat them badly. And this doesn’t limit in coffee shops, but anywhere. I just hope you guys remember that.

So no matter what kind of coffee you’re drinking, brewed or instant, it’s always the moment of drinking it that makes it taste exquisite.

What about you? What’s your coffee story?



Thin Girl

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