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Thursday, July 30, 2020

How to Start Reading

How do you get yourself to finish this book?

How can non bookworms start reading?

How do you know it’s a good book?

What genre can you recommend?

I get sleepy when I read, is that normal?

These are just some of the frequently asked questions by most people who are not really into reading books. I usually get asked by these questions and often they wonder how I buy so many books without finishing them all.

3 months ago, I started up a discussion on my facebook wall about reading books which was open to all readers and non readers and decided to write something about it (thank you by the way for those who participated).

So basically, this write up has been long overdue haha. But when a friend messaged me about him starting to read books after reading that discussion on my wall, I realized posting this might still help some other aspiring bookworms.

To be honest, I wasn’t into reading when I was little. I don’t remember much what really got me into reading but I do remember in 1st grade how our teacher would always make us read one by one from our textbooks and test our comprehension. Then years later I started reading fairy-tales, Precious Hearts Romances *yes the Tagalog pocketbooks*, I Wonder Why books and encyclopedias, Archie comics. The first English novel that hooked me was Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, which I only sneaked on reading when my sister wasn’t home.

But I do hope after reading this, it could help you start picking up a book for a read.


Readers who easily get tired of reading. My favorite animator, Tooncee, also has problems of keeping her attention on reading books. She really wanted to give reading a try, so she listened to audio books. It actually worked for her since she does animation at the same time, she could listen to the audio book. 

It’s like a win-win situation for her. But, audio book or none, you still have the chance to read an actual book. If you’re the type who gets really conscious on the page number or the thickness of the book, you can start with the ones of lesser pages or thickness. But if the book you wanna try reading is thick, you can read it on e-books if they’re available, or you can still read the actual book and give yourself breaks in between (especially if you feel sleepy) until you get the hang of it. 

“It’s okay to put the book down and rest before attempting to finish it.” – P

What’s a good genre to start with? Think of it as if you’re picking a movie or an anime series you wanna watch. Choosing a certain book genre also feels that way. Just as how people’s taste on food and music differ from one another, book preferences also differ.

To be honest, when I was younger, I really dig on romance novels. It all started when I read Precious Hearts Romances *please don’t judge me, my sister had lots of them*, then Twilight. But when I met other bookworms, I started getting recommendations, borrowing books from them *it pays when you have friends who could lend you a book when you can’t afford them yet, just remember to return them* and from the school library, going to 2nd hand bookstores (Booksale and La belle Aurore) and even started exploring different kinds of books on my own. So from romance, I became a reader with random genres on the pile.

Don’t be afraid to explore on your own too. You can search some good recommendations online or ask some of your bookworm friends. If you get to read a book that doesn’t fit your liking, it’s totally okay. That only means some books aren’t just for you.

Personally, I think reading, even when it doesn’t feel right for you or thinking it’s bad so you don’t get to finish it, keeps the balance of searching for the good ones that widens your exploration to fit your preference. 

“It’s important to know your preferred genre. Explore. And one day you will find that certain book that grows roots on your hand and creeps to your heart.” – J

How to love reading. If you think of it, forcing yourself to love reading would make you end up hating it. Just like writing, reading is also a muscle you need to develop. At first you might get yourself thinking you’d get sleepy or tired just looking at the book. If your mindset to read is to just finish it, then you’re not actually reading. You’re forcing yourself for the heck of it.

But if you just try to experience the joy of reading rather than aiming to finish the book, in time you’d get the hang of it without noticing. All you have to do is set the mood and immerse yourself into reading.

“Read because you want to, not because you’re forced to.” – Ja

Get yourself a bookworm friend. I have a friend who wasn’t really into books until I pushed one into her nose. Ironically, she didn’t start from audio books nor from less thick books. Rather, I gave her a big one. Like literally. I just told her, “read that, it’s a good one.” Aside from the fact that she was busy, she was actually lazy to read it just by looking at its size. So I had to always remind her to read it ASAP. I would tell her how heartwarming that book is or just simply message her with intense caps locked words to push her and finish it.

 She probably felt like I was forcing her, but it was rather my way of encouraging her to find out herself why it was good. After how many weeks, she finally finished it and sounded like a hopeless romantic. From then on I would recommend her books I think are good or might fit her preference.

“You would always just encourage me to read.” – T

But even without a bookworm friend trying to help you get on with reading, you can still give that push to yourself. Another friend of mine just started reading and honestly I was surprised and proud to hear that he tried to read after seeing that discussion on my facebook wall. He never understood why I loved books and why I spent so much on them. But when he started reading he actually realized why.

He even chose to read two actual, good books. Not audio books, not e-books, nor less thick books, but AN ACTUAL BOOK WITH A WHOLE LOT OF PAGES. He even told me he would love to read something philosophical. So you see, its quite touching when someone who never loved reading starts to appreciate and understand the beauty of it.  

“I saw that discussion on your wall and tried it myself. I borrowed from a friend and then I realized, oh it actually feels good to read. I even have my dictionary with me to look up some words I don’t understand.” – Tr   

How to know if it’s a good book. As mentioned, you explore with genres if you wanna have a start. But if you wanna know it’s a good book despite its genre, I’d definitely say how the book has touched you. It’s either how you talk about it nonstop after finishing it, or how the characters affect you, how you’ve felt after reading it, or how it gives you a bigger perspective in life. You, as the reader would know.


Have your own pace. Reading is not a race. If you have noticed, some bookworms take on reading challenges like reading 15-30 books a year, some read from one book and switch to another one or finishing a book in 3 days. Do not pressure yourself. Even if you experience times where you read a line over and over again just to understand it or you take your time reading in months, that is totally fine. If some words get you stuck for seconds, it’s okay to look it up on a dictionary. That’s part of reading. If you wanna try setting a book challenge when you’re all comfortable, that is still okay as long as you don’t pressure yourself, and you enjoy what you’re reading. That’s all it takes.

“I usually grab 5 books from the shelf then switch from one book to another in the middle of reading if I get bored. I mostly read nonfiction. There is no rule really that you must absolutely finish reading the whole book. You probably won’t even remember more than half of what was in there after several years. Make your time count and either enjoy yourself or remember the point delineated by the author.” – C

Now remember, being a bookworm doesn’t mean you’re smarter than the others, you have to have a hoard of books, you read fiction or whatsoever. There are no such rules in picking up a book. Besides, all these tips are pointless unless you start to commit yourself in reading. Everyone can read a book. No one’s exempted from that. And it is still your choice to pick it up and get your nose stuck on a book or not.

“What is the use of planning to read a book when you won’t even pick it up.”

Happy Reading!

P.S. A friend had also written on her blog about reading, you can go check her out:




Thin Girl


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