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Friday, August 21, 2020

The Mug Story

Some might think that mugs are overrated, especially as a gift during Christmas or even as a birthday gift. I don’t know with you guys, but I LOVE MUGS.  I’d still prefer them than picture frames though.

My love for mugs started when I was a kid. Even when we had plastic ones, I loved drinking milk or eating oatmeal from them especially when they looked cute. But despite loving mugs, I know I’m quite picky with how they look like, with their structure, colors, designs, etc. My sister and I even bought matching mugs since we both loved drinking coffee.

Aside from bookstores, I go to department stores to admire mug displays and then leave afterwards.

I might be unlucky with raffle draws, but I got lucky with a random exchanging gift. I thought, if someone else got that, he/she would’ve been disappointed, but I actually loved it since it was a cute mug.

Most Asian mothers display mugs or any ceramics in a cabinet and only use them during special occasions. My mom does that too. We have these green mugs she bought from my aunt and I was always coveting them until one day, I finally manned up and asked permission from her to use even just one of them and put it back. I even coveted the teacup she displayed on a shelf that she ended up saying, “hala gamita nalang na tanan diha!” ooops haha.  

I do have personal mugs in the kitchen though. My family even use them. But despite having them on display, I have special mugs that I keep to myself. It’s not that I’m being greedy or I just wanna display them together with my parents’ mugs that they got from teachers’ day or reunions, but because these mugs have stories that made them special for me.

My Mug Collection 😊


On my 22nd birthday, I didn’t expect any present until my friend/colleague gave me one. She handed it out to me, saying, “pagkakita nako ana, nakaingon jud ko ikaw kaayo ni.” (when I saw this, I knew this is very you). And boy was I ecstatic to find out that it was a mug! And with a very cool structure with that. But what made me love it more was the “I FLUNKED ANGER MANAGEMENT” written across it.

It was the very first mug I’ve ever received for my birthday and not some random exchange gift. I even used that line mostly on my personal social media accounts. It’s not because I’m violent though, but I used to be really short–tempered and moody (well I still have a bit of that moodiness though haha), I think it was really witty of my friend to give me this. So if you ever wonder where my bio comes from, it’s definitely from this mug.

“Witches Brew”

If you’re familiar with Minisoo, they have very cute mugs on display. It was during October, the season for Halloween. I was just looking through when I saw this big mug with a witch on it. I thought it was really cute since I love witches (not the “Hansel and Gretel” type of witch though). I was really tempted to buy it but I was also trying to keep myself on a tight budget until next pay day. So I promised myself I’d get it on pay day but if I didn’t find it then it wasn’t for me. Someone thought I wouldn’t take it seriously but I did. It was my motivation to wake up the next morning and worked hard so that it would be more rewarding.

I was hungry and all the bowls were on the sink and thought of this mug~

So on payday, I really went off almost immediately to check it out and found they restocked the witch mug with some other mugs for Halloween. I felt like I was given such burden to rethink my choice at that moment. But since I’ve laid eyes on that witch mug, I knew that it was the one. They restocked the witch mugs that I had to choose the right one which I thought would make my money’s worth.

People might think it’s weird, but when I buy something, I really take time choosing an item even if they all look the same. Here’s the thing, I take my time to see if the item is not damaged, may it be a book or a shirt, I make sure that I’m truly paying for what I get. So that’s what happened when I bought this mug, I checked each one to see whether its chipped off or got any scratch for almost an hour or so. I felt so satisfied after buying it because I waited for weeks before I could set my hands on it and made the best effort to choose one even if they looked all the same to some haha.

Bo’s Coffee Mug

This was my 2nd unexpected gift. Manito-Manita as we all know, is picking randomly the scrolled paper with the name of the person you’re supposed to give your gift to. Weeks before our own department’s Christmas party, we already had the Manita-Manito and our wish lists written on the wall. Ironically, even when I’m the type of person to know what I want, I couldn’t make up my mind what to write on my wish lists. I think it’s because it’s easier for me to give presents and knowing which ones to give. Also, when I make up my mind on what I want, I have the tendency to buy it on my own rather than have someone else buy it for me. Still, I wrote my wish list kinda late.

Used this mug during the Neverland poster coloring~
So on the day of our Christmas party slash sleepover, we displayed our presents on the table and prepared for the night. I saw my name written on a Bo’s Coffee paper bag and a few minutes later my colleague revealed himself to be the one who picked my name. This is what he told me with his present:

J: (with his sorry eyes and voice) D, sorry kayo If mao rani ako nahatag nimo coffee baya sud ana. 

(D, I’m sorry if this is all I could give you, coffee is what’s inside that.)

Me: Ha? Wa diay ka kita sako wish list? 

(Really? Didn’t you see what’s on my wish list?)

J: Kita, pero late nako nakakita kay nakapalit naman ko. Nagdali dali nasad kog palit. 

(I did, it’s just that it was already too late because I’ve already bought one. I was also in a hurry to buy one.)

Me: Hala kasayang! Huhu okay raman nako besh na kape imo gipalit pero mas nindot untag ma use nako imo gift, kanang makaremember ko na si J gahatag nako ani ba T^T mug nalang unta tu imo gihatag nako besh okay rajud nako pero ang coffee kay mahurut raman gud pwede rako mupalit ana maski 3 in 1.

(That’s too bad! I mean it’s okay with me if you bought coffee for me but it could’ve been better if you gave me something useful, something I can remember that J gave this to me T^T if you could’ve given me a mug it would be alright with me. Coffee is fine but it could run out and I can buy one even its just 3 in 1 coffee.)

To be honest, I was really disappointed haha you might think I’m being picky, don’t get me wrong I love coffee, it’s just that it could’ve been better if he had given me something useful.

As the night went deeper, preparations were being done when there was a loud thud on the floor. Only to find out the Bo’s Coffee paper bag fell on the floor.

Z: Hala natagak ang plantsa nimo D! hahaha (Oh no your iron fell D! hahaha)

They were all laughing while I was thinking nonchalantly, “ahw kape ra bitaw na di rana maunsa.”

So when the time for exchanging gift all I was thinking was that I already knew what was inside. Since it felt heavy I thought, oh maybe it was as much as it could fit a mason jar. But when we opened our presents together I was really ecstatic to find out that it was a mug with free coffee, and a Bo’s Coffee mug on top of that! I was so giddy, I hugged him and thanked him so many times when he told me this, “nakuyawan jud baya ko pagkahug ana abi kog nabuak haha. Gamita intawn na ha?” (I was really nervous when it fell, I thought it got broken haha. Use it well okay?) Just thinking about that moment makes me so giddy until now. I never expected his present and the fact that it fell unscathed meant its legit and of great quality lol.

The Mug Laughing Emoji

My plans for my 25th birthday was to buy books from Big Bad Wolf and get my ear pierced (which ended for both ears by the way). I got what I wanted even before my birthday but I didn’t even see what was coming. My friends gave choco butternuts, and one of them gave me this mug laughing emoji.

This mug was one of the mugs we looked at in the department store. There was a bunch of them including my favorite emoji (-_-). I thought to myself I wanna buy one but I was trying my best to control spending since I didn’t have a job already, so I just forgot about it.

On the day of my birthday I wondered why she was late, only to find out she bought that mug laughing emoji together with 3 sachets of Kopiko Blanca twin packs. She said it would’ve been better if it was my favorite emoji but since it still looked like me when I laughed, especially with my eyes disappearing (according to her) I didn’t know she was eyeing that mug for my birthday so I was really touched.

Getting these mugs are special because my friends gave them to me without giving me an idea. Not because they couldn’t think of what to give me, but maybe they knew I’d love it.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but drinking coffee from a cute mug makes it taste twice as good as it already is. I don’t need a pricey cup of coffee just to make me feel content and relaxed. The fact I can drink instant coffee from these beautiful mugs, already makes it feel like I am drinking in luxury, and in the comfort of my own space.


Thin Girl


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