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Monday, September 14, 2020

Stepford Wives by Ira Levin

“She wished: that they would be happy in Stepford.”

Levin wrote this suspense novel in mock of male baby boomers who want to create ideal housewives for themselves.

Joana Eberhart moves to Stepford from New York with her family, only to suspect Stepford women as robots.

Levin wrote this short novel in a third person perspective through Joana Eberhart. Chuck Palahniuk also gave an introduction to the novel and how it relates to the real world, just like how women are being viewed in the society where he emphasized that EVERYWHERE IS STEPFORD. 


However, he also mentioned that there were 2 movie adaptations, one played by Nicole Kidman (2004) which turned out to be comical. I checked the trailer out after reading this and I couldn’t agree more with him. But prior to that, based on some comments and upon seeing the movie trailer of the 1975 movie adaptation, it was most probably more in line with the book. 


The novel is just really short and direct to the point though. Fast-paced and can be finished in a day or two. Joana’s character makes you feel confused whether her suspicions are true or not.

I’m really not that in love with the book, but the story got me swearing, especially on the last few chapters, where you anticipate the ending but still get the opposite of it. Some parts are also eyebrow raising. Levin wrote how men from the early years actually want to dominate over women, who also start fighting for women’s liberation.

Despite times changing, women still fight for liberation and are still viewed differently in the society. There are still men who objectify women as sex slaves, or housewives who can’t keep up with men. The book just shows that.

It was quite discouraging to see this rated with 3 point something on some reviews but I give this a 4.0. It’s not the adrenaline-rushing-kind-of-suspense-thriller novel like I was expecting. But it really gives a strong message on how some men got bruised egos when women try to be independent and keep up with men in the society rather than just do housewife chores for their husbands.

So if you’re into satirical, short suspense-thriller novels with a touch of feminism, this book is for you.


Thin Girl

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