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Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Tempting 500 Peso Bill

So it was the 2nd day of March, I woke up earlier than I usually did after 3 and a half hours of sleep. Miraculously, I didn’t keep on snoozing my alarm so I could extend 5 more minutes of sleep. *which I know you do too, you little cheat*

Going back, I had a hearty meal at breakfast, thank you to my mother earth, but I didn’t even take a dump in the toilet that morning, *excuse me* so I felt kinda bloated. By the time my father, brother and I left, my nose was so runny, I kept on sneezing that I felt my hanky was full of blasted liquid discharges. I don’t have corona virus by the way, I haven’t even gone out much since I lost my job.

The night before this day, I checked my coin purse with a 100-peso bill, with some coins on the side. Like it’s the only extra money I’d left after processing my documents for the past week. Now, I had another 500-peso bill, which was a budget for another set of documents to process.

I was having this internal conflict whether to bring the extra 500-peso bill with me in case of emergency, or to just bring the 100-peso bill so I can be strict with my budget. Half of my mind was telling me to only bring 100 pesos, since I’m in a pinch right now *perks of being jobless hurray* and of course I don’t ask money from my parents even if they’re the ones feeding me. The other half, however, was tryna be a convincing devil: 

You’d probably be walking on foot when you get home if you don’t bring extra, besides you’ll be buying coffee at McDonald’s. You haven’t had their pancakes for that long either. It’s gonna be just for today, then after this you won’t be spending again. You’ll be looking for a job soon so just bring it. Blah blah blah…

And so here I was, in front of McDonald’s counter, both the 100-peso and 500-peso bills in my coin purse. Looking at the menu, I decided I’d go with hot coffee, since I needed something warm to stop myself from sneezing. On the menu, it says 42 pesos for the large one, and I thought “this will keep me longer here while waiting for my friend who’s coming really late.” *so much for an early meet up huh* The 500-peso bill, ready on my hand, I put it back inside and took out a 50-peso bill instead. Just when the cashier punched in my order, it showed me 45 pesos. Not 42 pesos, which was on the menu. Makes me think, menus could really trigger trust issues don’t you think? Freakin’ taxes.

There you have it, I spent 45 pesos and got 55 pesos left, which meant I got to keep the 500. Or so I thought. I had to wait till I get home from the university, then I’d have my real victory. But before that, I was actually waiting for my friend for 2 hours.

I am usually the type to get impatient,  waiting for God knows how long. I could possibly spam you with, where are you? How long will you get here? What took you so long? blah blah blah. Luckily for that friend who had an all nighter of that friggin’ adorable home last night, I was in a good mood. The warm coffee was working its magic on my runny nose and stagnant brain. I was writing these flowing ideas that my fingers couldn’t keep up while I was scribbling like a maniac. Words that were so disorganized, but were about to come to life. *I was doing my write-ups by the way* It made me so excited, I had to take out my phone and play my old college playlists when Spotify wasn’t even alive yet.

I chatted my friend, who works now at the university where we used to study, and told her I’d be a little late, since this other friend took too long to arrive. She told me to enjoy my me-time. And there, I realized I never had much me-time when I lost my job, ‘coz I stayed home too much and it doesn’t count as me-time, even when you have your family around you. It’s quite refreshing that I could actually wait without getting irritated and that I could do something very productive while I’m at it.

So moral of the story after too much blabber, always be mindful of squandering. Bringing a tempting 500-peso bill is enough to test your self-control on money spending. I know I’m not one to talk, ‘coz I cheat sometimes haha. But it takes a lot of self-control not to squander and it’s quite an achievement if you get to save, especially for the working class who spends too much on food and still complain on getting broke *not condemning you, that’s your money* But then again I squander on coffee and books too. Maybe because I just know when to and not to spend. And there’s this kind of mindset on delayed gratification too. So I think it helps on how you could save money. I’m no financial consultant though, it’s just how I handle myself on a tight budget haha.

Next would be waiting on someone who is very late for the meetup. Might as well do something that would distract you and treat it as if it’s your me-time. I’m glad I brought my planner, phones (the other one was from my sugar daddy, kidding), and a book to entertain me. I dunno with you, but I think there’s something out there that could distract you aside from lurking on your social media, just so being impatient wouldn’t ruin your day. Except if it’s a school project or an urgent matter, gotta be on time haha.

P.S I spent my 500 peso-bill for a 40-peso worth of lunch. And that was it.


Thin Girl

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